

    福建自考网> 试题题库列表页> 31.Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto, "Not under man but under God and law."That's the ruling principle of American freedom, the source of our democratic liberties.I've tried to make it my guide throughout this contest.


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    31.Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto, "Not under man but under God and law."That's the ruling principle of American freedom, the source of our democratic liberties.I've tried to make it my guide throughout this contest.

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    32. As more countries recognize the importance of higher education and are willing to invest more resources in it, competition for talents in college education has become increasingly vigorous, To maintain its edge, this university made every endeavor to foster a multicultural and innovative learning environment with emphasis on overseas exposure and entrepreneurship.

    26.原文:肯定有许多更为简单、更为有效的方法去评定一个人的真实能力。译文:There must be many more simple and effective ways of assessing a person's true abilities.改译:()27、原文:思想把一种叫做人的动物与其他的动物区别开来了。译文:Thoughts distinguish from the other animals the one referred to as humans.改译:()28.原文:经济领域当中存在着许多不平等的竞争。译文:Economic field exists a lot of unfair competition.改译:()29.原文:利用字母的排列顺序来形成单词,有其特殊的意义。译文:Words formed out of the sequencing of letters have their own special significance.改译:()30.原文:(中国)传统节日渐行渐远,西方节日大行其道。译文:Traditional Chinese festivals are gradually receding from us, Western festivals are becoming more and more popular.改译:()

    21.原文:Pollution is a live issue.译文:污染是个生活问题。改译: ()22.原文:Many Americans believe that competition is as important,or even more important,than democracy in preserving freedom.译文:许多美国人认为,竞争与民主同样重耍,在保护自由方面甚至比民主还重要。改译:()23.原文:The European Commission announced that a total of 15EU states, plus Switzerland and Hong Kong, are now known to have received egg products contaminated by an insecticide.译文:欧盟委员会宣布,现在共有15个欧盟国家以及瑞士和中国香港被知道进口了受杀虫剂污染的鸡蛋产品。改译:()24.原文:But does this have anything to do with global warming, and are human emissions to blame?译文:但这与全球气候变暖有关吗?人类的碳排放该指责谁呢?改译:()25.原文:It seems that wherever maples grow, there is a tradition to honor them.译文:似乎无论枫树生长在哪里,都有歌颂它的传统。改译:()






